In this blog I write down my experiences around street photography. It's about photo walks, meeting other street photographers, participating in competitions and much more.

My first exhibition
My pictures from Vechta have been hanging in Vechta for a week now. Organizing my first exhibition was very exciting and educational. Here you can read a retrospective of my thoughts as well as the process of the organization and the vernissage.
Budapest Metro
A real highlight of my trip in August 2021 - the Budapest Metro. Why? Here you can find the reasons and the photos.

The Metro in Prague
On my first stop on the street photography trip, I was in Prague. This entry is first of all about the Metro in Prague. As part of my series "4 photos in 4 stations" I came to the following results. Read more here ...
Street photography on the island of Kos, Greece
First vacation on the island of Kos in connection with street photography in the capital. A wonderful trip. I also used "Kodachrome 64" as a film simulation of my Jpeg files in my Fuji for the first time. You can find my settings and some of the pictures here ...
Streetphotographer meeting in Frankfurt
On July 10th, 2021 there was the first official meeting of street photographers from Germany and beyond. Of course, I couldn't let this event be taken away from me. Here you can read more about the day and the absolute highlight: a guerrilla exhibition!
One day in Hamburgs HafenCity
8 hours in Hamburgs HafenCity with my new Fuji XF 16mm F2.8 lens. You can read here exactly where I was with my two photography colleagues Dennis and Felix and which pictures I took home ...

Series "Relax in the city"
When looking through my pictures from the archive, I noticed that I was subconsciously taking pictures of the same subject. Here are my 15 favorite pictures of "Relax in the city" ....
Podcast interview with Bob Patterson for Street Photography Magazine
What an honour! I was invited to a podcast recording by Bob Patterson and we talked about my street photography journey, my yearbook and my latest project. You can read here how it came about and where you can listen the podcast.

On the streets of Cologne - part 2
There is something special in the second part. I did a little walk where I visited four subway stations and gave myself a challenge. If you want to learn more about it, read on here.
On the streets of Cologne - part 1
With the best weather at the end of March, I was finally able to pursue my great passion again: Street photography in Cologne in search of new motifs. There is a brief account of where I was and a selection of the photos from that day. A YouTube video was also shot for the walk. There is a link in the description. The video is also embedded at the end of the post. Here more...

Train station in Vechta
The train station in my hometown Vechta has to offer a lot in terms of street photography. In this blog entry I share my photos which I collected for more than a year now. Here...
February project - mystical Vechta
For February I had a small project in mind. You can read here how it came about, how I limited myself and what pictures came out in the end.

Blizzard Street Photography
This photo walk was a lot of fun. Last weekend, the snowstorm had a firm grip on northern Germany. Vechta was also a unique winter landscape. It took 3 days until the main roads were free again. Reason enough for me to walk through the city in the snowfall. At day and night. Here are the pictures.
Street Photography - Yearbook 2020
I had a photo book printed out of my best pictures of 2020. In this blog entry you can find out which format, which approach and which provider I chose, which considerations were all incorporated, some sample pages and why I am not 100% satisfied. You can also find informations on how to get a free digital version of the book. Here is more about it.

Fuji X Passion article
On the homepage of Fuji X Passion, a website that also publishes a monthly digital magazine, an article about my photographic work appeared. You can find out how it came about and where you can read it here.
My personal TOP 10 of my street photos in 2020
Suddenly I had this idea at the kitchen table. Put my favorite pictures from 2020 on a list and provide background information on the creation of each individual picture. I quickly made a rough overview, wrote it down on a slip of paper and the result was this TOP 10 list! Click here...