I recently spent a day in Hamburg with Dennis Gloth and Felix Busse from Bremen. This was my first photowalk with my new 16mm F2.8 Fuji lens. We have limited ourselves to the Hamburg quarter "Hafencity". The district is located south of the main train station and stretches along the Elbe from the Elbe bridges to the Elbphilharmonie. The conversion of this part of Hamburg is one of the largest urban development projects in Europe. The amount of interesting buildings that have been built over the past few years is astonishing. Furthermore, massive construction is still going on in many places, so that the district will be more or less completed by around 2030.
We started at Hamburg Central Station, went under the "Oberhafenbrücke", known to photographers, and made our way into the Hafencity. We made a detour to the university and the very popular "Hafencity Universität" subway station and then went to "Überseeboulevard" to refresh ourselves. Then we went all over the place to the Elbphilharmonie and visited the observation platform, which is well worth seeing. By the way the platform is free of charge! We stayed there for a surprisingly long time, as there were many interesting photographic motifs to discover.
At the end of the day we left Hafencity for a short time to buy a great pizza at Luigi's in the Portuguese quarter of Hamburg, to enjoy the pizza with a kiosk beer on the Elbe. In the evening sun we went back to the Hafencity and walked back and forth back to the main station. A super interesting and at the end also sunny day came to an end very quickly with lots of photos on the memory card. Here is a small selection of photos that are most interesting for me personally.